Sublime Movie Information

Movie Information

Overall Rank: 23410

Average Rating: 2.2/4

# of Ratings: 5

Theatrical Release Date: 09/24/2007

Language: English

Genre: Horror, Thriller

MPAA Rating: R

Director: Tony Krantz

Actors: Jeffrey Anderson-Gunter, Cas Anvar, Paget Brewster, Jordi Caballero

Plot: A man goes to the hospital to get a routine surgery, but ends up getting a lot more. This psychological thriller will keep you guessing on what is real and what isn't. -- Josh C

Full Movie Reviews

Josh C
Josh C

Rating of

Now I am afraid of having surgery

Josh C - wrote on 02/16/2008

I just stumbled across this movie at blockbuster, I didn't expect much, yet was very surprised at how good it was. Thomas Cavanagh who played 'George Grieves' was really good and the director Tony Krantz kept the mood creepy throughout. I actually felt sick to my stomach thinking about what George was going though and how helpless I would feel. Shanna Collins, who played the nurse Chloe, was also very good and convincingly had me intrigued.

Overall, I woudn't consider this a horror but more of a thriller. There were no scares and cheap thrills but instead a whole bunch of events that added to a sad mood that collectively made me cringe. This type of story has the ability to make a person question what is real and what isn't. More importantly this movie makes the horror stories that …

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