Top Portuguese Movies

The Top Portuguese Movies List is calculated by overall movie ratings and members' "Top Portuguese List". Lists are calculated daily.

151. Divinas Divas

Year of Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Documentary/Musical
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Leandra Leal
Actors: Luiz de Castro, Ney Latorraca, Aderbal Freire Filho, Fujica de Holliday, Miguel Falabella, Berta Loran

152. Nise: The Heart of Madness ( Nise: O Coração da Loucura )

Year of Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Biography/Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Roberto Berliner
Actors: Claudio Jaborandy, Glória Pires, Charles Fricks, Flavio Bauraqui, Simone Mazzer, Fernando Eiras

153. Two Irenes ( As Duas Irenes )

Year of Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Fabio Meira
Actors: Priscila Bittencourt, Isabela Torres, Marco Ricca, Suzana Ribeiro, Inês Peixoto, Teuda Bara

154. Kill Me Please ( Mate-me por favor )

Year of Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama/Thriller
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Anita Rocha da Silveira
Actors: Valentina Herszage, Dora Freind, Mariana Oliveira, Júlia Roliz, Rita Pauls, Bernardo Marinho

155. Good Manners ( As Boas Maneiras )

Year of Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Fantasy/Horror
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Marco Dutra, Juliana Rojas
Actors: Isabél Zuaa, Marjorie Estiano, Miguel Lobo, Cida Moreira, Andréa Marquee, Felipe Kenji

156. Vazante

Year of Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Adventure/Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Daniela Thomas
Actors: Adriano Carvalho, Luana Nastas, Sandra Corveloni, Juliana Carneiro da Cunha, Roberto Audio, Vinicius Dos Anjos

157. Forest of the Lost Souls, The ( Floresta das Almas Perdidas, A )

Year of Release: 2017
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama/Horror
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: José Pedro Lopes
Actors: Daniela Love, Jorge Mota, Mafalda Banquart, Lígia Roque, Lília Lopes, Tiago Jácome

158. Train of Salt and Sugar, The ( Comboio de Sal e Açucar )

Year of Release: 2018
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Adventure
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Licinio Azevedo
Actors: Thiago Justino, Melanie de Vales Rafael, Horácio Guiamba, Absalão Narduela, Tonecas Xavier, Mário Valente

159. Gabriel and the Mountain ( Gabriel e a Montanha )

Year of Release: 2018
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Fellipe Barbosa
Actors: João Pedro Zappa, Caroline Abras, John Goodluck, Rhosinah Sekeleti, Luke Mpata, Leonard Siampala

160. Nothing to Lose ( Nada a Perder )

Year of Release: 2018
Overall Rating: 3.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Biography/Drama
MPAA Rating: PG
Director: Alexandre Avancini
Actors: Petrônio Gontijo, Day Mesquita, Beth Goulart, Dalton Vigh, André Gonçalves, Kathia Calil

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