Top Members Past Week

Members with the most activity over the past week.

Past Week Past Month All Time Get Points

Members with the most points

# Member # of Reviews # of Ratings # of Plots # of Lists Total Points
1. 9 9 0 7 106
2. 0 4 0 9 94
3. 0 76 0 0 76
4. Sepi 0 71 0 0 71
5. Carol without an e 0 3 0 6 63
6. Indyfreak 5 5 0 3 56
7. Protozoid 0 8 0 5 48
8. adbrack1988 0 0 0 3 30
9. hoods_breath 0 14 0 2 24
10. Chris Kavan 2 2 1 1 19
11. Purplem 0 8 0 1 18
12. Ben 0 5 0 1 15
13. Norrin 0 2 0 1 12
14. Dylan 0 2 0 1 12
15. KingoftheCorn 0 3 0 0 3
16. ikkegoemikke 0 3 0 0 3
17. decoja 0 0 0 3 0
18. FilmCrave User 0 0 0 2 0
19. FilmCrave User 0 0 0 2 0

Most generous members

# Member Average Rating
1. Carol without an e 3.67
2. Alex Krajci 3.32
3. Logan D. McCoy 3.17
4. Protozoid 2.94
5. hoods_breath 2.86
6. Purplem 2.81
7. ikkegoemikke 2.67
8. KingoftheCorn 2.67
9. Ben 2.20
10. Sepi 2.11
11. Indyfreak 2.10
12. Stoney McStonerson 2.00

Least generous members

# Member Average Rating
1. Stoney McStonerson 2.00
2. Indyfreak 2.10
3. Sepi 2.11
4. Ben 2.20
5. ikkegoemikke 2.67
6. KingoftheCorn 2.67
7. Purplem 2.81
8. hoods_breath 2.86
9. Protozoid 2.94
10. Logan D. McCoy 3.17
11. Alex Krajci 3.32
12. Carol without an e 3.67
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