Top Portuguese Movies

The Top Portuguese Movies List is calculated by overall movie ratings and members' "Top Portuguese List". Lists are calculated daily.

171. So Normal ( Os Normais - O Filme )

Year of Release: 2003
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Comedy
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: José Alvarenga Jr.
Actors: Luiz Fernando Guimarães, Fernanda Torres, Marisa Orth, Evandro Mesquita, Lupe Gigliotti, Emilio Pitta

172. Balcony of the Nightingales, The ( Varanda dos Rouxinóis )

Year of Release: 1939
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Comedy/Romance
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: José Leitão de Barros
Actors: Oliveira Martins, Madalena Sotto, Noé de Almeida, Maria Matos, Dina Teresa, António Silva António Silva

173. Given Word, The aka Keeper of Promises ( O Pagador de Promessas )

Year of Release: 1964
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Anselmo Duarte
Actors: Leonardo Villar, Glória Menezes, Dionísio Azevedo, Geraldo Del Rey, Roberto Ferreira, Norma Bengell

174. Red Light Bandit, The ( O Bandido da Luz Vermelha )

Year of Release: 1968
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Crime/Thriller
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Rogério Sganzerla
Actors: Helena Ignez, Paulo Villaça, Pagano Sobrinho, Luiz Linhares, Hélio Aguiar, Luís Alberto

175. Lion Has Seven Heads, The ( Leone Have Sept Cabeças, Der )

Year of Release: 1974
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Glauber Rocha
Actors: Rada Rassimov, Giulio Brogi, Gabriele Tinti, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Aldo Bixio, Reinhard Kolldehoff

176. Mueda, Memoria e Massacre

Year of Release: 1980
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: Ruy Guerra
Actors: Romao Canapoquele, Filipe Gunoguacala, Filipe Gunoguacala, Baltazar Nchilema

177. Giselle

Year of Release: 1982
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: R
Director: Victor di Mello
Actors: Alba Valeria, Carlo Mossy, Maria Lúcia Dahl, Nildo Parente, Ricardo Faria, Monique Lafond

178. Portuguese Goodbye, A ( Adeus Português, Um )

Year of Release: 1986
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: João Botelho
Actors: Isabel de Castro, Ruy Furtado, Maria Cabral, Fernando Heitor, Cristina Hauser, Henrique Viana

179. Hard Times ( Tempos Difíceis )

Year of Release: 1988
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: NR
Director: João Botelho
Actors: Henrique Viana, Júlia Britton, Eunice Muñoz, Ruy Furtado, Isabel de Castro, Joaquim Mendes

180. Fifth Monkey, The ( O Quinto Macaco )

Year of Release: 1990
Overall Rating: 2.0 out of 4 stars
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Director: Éric Rochat
Actors: Ben Kingsley, Carlos Kroeber, Ruy Polanah, Paulo Vinicius, Mika Lins, Silvia De Carvalho

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