Friday the 13th Related Movie Lists

Movie Lists

Movies I've Watched

List created by Dylan

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 3/4
2. My Blueberry Nights 2.5/4
3. House of 1,000 Corpses 3.5/4
4. Finding Neverland 2.5/4
5. Constantine 2/4

Top Horror List

List created by Travis

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Halloween 4/4
2. The Silence of the Lambs 4/4
3. The Shining 4/4
4. Scream 3.5/4
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3.5/4


List created by Cinemaniac

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Raging Bull 4/4
2. The Shining 4/4
3. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 4/4
4. The Elephant Man 3.5/4
5. Airplane! 3.5/4

My Wish List

List created by larisaios

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. The Shawshank Redemption 4/4
2. Pulp Fiction 4/4
3. The Godfather 4/4
4. Fight Club 4/4
5. The Matrix 3/4

Best Movies of all Time

List created by David

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Goodfellas N/A
2. No Country for Old Men N/A
3. Pulp Fiction N/A
4. Good Will Hunting N/A
5. Hoop Dreams N/A

Top Films of 1980

List created by Neobowler

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. Raging Bull 4/4
2. Ordinary People 3.5/4
3. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 2.5/4
4. The Blues Brothers 2.5/4
5. Airplane! 2.5/4

Top Horror List

List created by DnBGirl82

# Movie Title Rating Add
1. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.5/4
2. Carrie N/A
3. The Ring N/A
4. The Conjuring N/A
5. Alien 3/4
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