Quick Movie Reviews
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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/19/2011
Samuel L. Jackson was really good as Detective John Shaft. Christian Bale brings his Batemanlike role in this action packed flick about justice. It brought out the coolness of the main protagonist, had some nice soundtracks and camera direction. If only the rest of the cast were good enough for the main talents mentioned. Shaft is an enjoyable cop picture that doesn't really leave a mark, but still fun to watch.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/14/2011
Nowhere near as memorable as the original, but it works as an entertaining and engrossing crime drama mainly because of the two leads. Samuel L. Jackson is at his most intense and early Christian Bale completely disappears into the role of a cruel, racist rich kid.
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Ikkinbot - wrote on 07/15/2010
Even though I love Samuel L Jackson this movie didn't quite work . . .
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 11/08/2009
Decent action and story, but nothing as fun as the original Shaft nor particularly memorable. Still, it's kind of fun and you could do a lot worse.
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The Movie Man - wrote on 05/23/2009
Shaft is a decent remake that only seems to want to be 'cool'. I'm a fan of John Singletons work but not this film. I thought the story was very clique, the direction is bad and so is the script. The acting is the best part. Samuel L Jackson is perfect for the role of Shaft and he did a good job. Christian Bale and Jeffrey Wright are good as the bad guys. Vanessa Williams and Toni Collette are good as well. The flaw however, is casting Busta Rhymes as Shafts left hand man, his role consists of nothing but foul language. Stick with the original.