Sin City Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

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Adict - wrote on 06/02/2010

Sin City peaks early with Mickey Rourke playing Marv, who drags thugs face first through the pavement while driving, and with the visual stylings that capture the nature of comics on film. Rourke is so good, the character of Marv so fun, that the rest of the cast just can't rise above it. In the midst of dirty cops, prostitutes on roof-tops firing automatic machine guns, and a conspiracy on every street corner comes a vision of what Vegas is now. Gone is the glamor of the big lights and big win that comes with pretty boys in suits. Hell, they wouldn't last two minutes here. Overall there isn't much after the first story, but it's one hell of a grungy piece to look at.

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sapien - wrote on 01/20/2010

I thought it was great. I can't wait for the sequel!

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vinnit - wrote on 03/07/2009

one of the best movies i have ever seen i mean com'on it if f****ing great it drags from minute 1 to the city i loved mickey rourke in it he was boss he was so great i don't mean oscar great but like just cool and fun to watch some people dont like the effects whitch i can understand but i think it make's the movie better

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LeopardExplosion - wrote on 01/28/2009

Makes me lose hope in Frank Miller as a director. Great comic book writer. But it's easy to see why this one is praised so much. Violence, Sex, Nudity, and so much more...I see almost nothing in it. FINAL SCORE :::: 52% ::::

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Freddie - wrote on 10/24/2008

I found this movie to be ridiculous and degrading. All I can remember is women either being slapped around or playing the "damsel in distress." No thank you. Terrible movie.

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Hush - wrote on 07/29/2008

A great use of primary colors and kick ass action. A true adaptation of Frank Miller's best comic series.

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sodapop - wrote on 02/08/2008

A whole lotta style, flash and brutality. But not a whole lotta good movie.

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Neobowler - wrote on 10/02/2007

Visually stunning film that is a feast for the eyes. I'm a fan of most of the cast so that just adds to the film. This movie is just awesome technically even for someone like me that never read any of it before. Robert Rodriguez is a stylistic director who knows how to make entertaining cinema.

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Alex - wrote on 03/27/2007

The best movie of 2005! The way the story is told with high contrasts and deep characters, along with great music make this film reach to unseen heights. Put it on your list!

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/19/2007

With a unique style - Sin City is a near-perfect adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novels. The stories, the cast and especially the visuals are all amazing. Outrageously violent, but then, what did you expect?

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