Sneakers Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

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Sneakers review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/30/2012

Despite its being dated in terms of technology, its still an entertaining clever ride with loveable characters. Martin Brice aka. Martin Bishop (Redford) has a team consisting of Donald Crease (Poitier), a former CIA officer, Darryl "Mother" Roskow (Aykroyd), has technical skills; Carl (Pheonix) a young genius and Erwin "Whistler" Emory (Strathairn), a blind phone expert with impeccable sense of hearing. They try to recover a "black box" that can break any code. The soundtrack was scintillating, scenes well created/innovative and humor was spot on. Better direction/screenplay, a small background about the group and a simpler plot could have made this so much greater than Oceans 11 or an Italian Job. Some characters prolonged the film though a surprise cameo at the end was worth it …

Movie God

Rating of

Most underated movie on my Top Movie List.

mdtinney - wrote on 08/11/2009

Sneakers" is probably the best suspense film that honestly deals with the issues of Information Technology. The film takes you into the world of espionage via computer hackers, the new threat to world order. Rather than Chicago Italians sporting machine guns, zoot suits, and violin cases, these guys work with equipment that can do far more than hold up a bank or run a casino. And they do it from a worktable with little complex machines with screens. These "sneakers" may have stumbled onto the ability to change the entire infrastructure of the modern world. And it all works because of the outstanding script and the ensemble cast of some of the best actors in the business: Robert Redford, Ben Kingsly, Dan Ackroyd, David Strathairn, Mary McDonnell, Sidney Poitier, the late River Phoenix, …

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