Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Hughes Standart
cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/11/2016
Die meisten Filme sind nicht über Menschen. Sie handeln von Dingen. Zu diesen Dingen zähle ich auch Stars, die zum "Kult" wurden. Sie stehen nicht mehr für ihren Charakter, den sie spielen, sondern das Abenteuer des Films. Meistens gehts in Hollywood Filmen auch nicht um die Fragen des Lebens, sondern - Tak-Tak-Tak - um Handlung! John Hughes bildete mit seinen Teenager Filmen eine Ausnahme. Er hat sich immer interessiert für die kleinen Probleme des Heranwachsens und wie man zum "fertigen" Menschen reift. Some Kind of Wonderful, den Hughes produzierte und schrieb, ist so ein Film. Kein grosser Film, denn die Charaktere wirken fast wie Hughes Standarts und manchmal kommt er auch etwas schleppend in die Gänge. Es geht darum, ob der Held sein Mädchen kriegt - und mal im Ernst, wann …
Rating of
It certianly is
Holas - wrote on 06/30/2009
Tell me Elias Koteas doesn't remind you of the cop from Law&Order SVU....
This movie is fantastic, it made we be a fan of Eric Stoltz. All great acting in this movie. I actually thought this was directed by John Hughes. It's your typical geek liking the prom queen, and his friend gives him advice. Masterson was at a level all her own, her acting topped every one else's. She gives a much better performance in this than "Chances Are," with Downey, Jr. Thompson will always be remembered as a McFly, but she holds her own as the bit of 'Wonderful' I still hate her for "Caroline in the City' but i guess everybody has to work. I recommend seeing her in "Casual Sex', not a great movie, but entertaining with Dice Clay. This is just a brat pack kind of movie with out the 'brats.' If you …
Rating of
Some Kind Of Wonderful
Tia Maria - wrote on 11/22/2008
This film exceeded my expectation. As it is a John Hughes production I expected it to be lots of fun, but quite simple, but actually there was more too it than that, probably because John Hughes didn't direct it himself. I knew that I would love this movie after watching (literally) the first second. The girl plays drums WOOT WOOT. Because I am totally behind girls who want to rebel against guys expectations and play drums themselves, the first scene pulled me right into the movie. This is the second movie In have seen with Eric Stoltz, but it is quite a different experience the next time round when the first time I saw him was in Mask. So he was great, though his eyes scare me a little, and so was Masterson, as the rebel tomboy. A wondefulll movie, a must see if you love 80's teen …