Total Recall Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 08/22/2022

Arnold's acting isn't exactly on the level of Bogart, but that doesn't deter "Total Recall" from being an otherworldly, intelligent, and rapidly-paced Philip K. Dick adaptation that's rich with gross and gory B-movie chills.

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Ian - wrote on 12/26/2020

Do not miss this Schwarzenegger classic based on a Phillips K. Dick short story. This has everything an 80s action fan would want and more and also has a great story.

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/11/2014

"Get your ass to mars".

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Yojimbo - wrote on 09/14/2012

Paul Verhoeven has always managed to make films I either love or utterly detest. This is the latter. Ugly, cheap production design, Gerry Anderson standard effects, ugly gratuitous violence and a plot that makes no logical sense whatsoever. Terrible.

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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 08/18/2012

Douglas Quaid (Schwarzenegger) travels to Mars to discover his real identity. Lori (Stone) is Richter's (Michael Ironside) wife who is an agent sent by Cohaagen to monitor Quaid. A viually impressive sci-fi satire with wonderful settings/costumes for its time. One wil notice likeable character from the protagonists and antagonists alike. It boasts of brutal action adn an innovative screenplay. Total Recall almost has all the elements of an entertaining action sci-fi flick despite some lackluster acting and a few coy moments.

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mitchellyoung - wrote on 01/12/2012

The visuals of the film are interesting, but the execution and uneven pacing of the film is somewhat lackluster. Schwarzenegger makes an unconvincing hero who often comes across as cheesy and the film squanders the more thoughtful portions of K. Dick's book in the adaptation process.

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Unknown - wrote on 11/04/2011

Tight story and direction make for a fast paced, gory and fun sci-fi-action romp. It also contains some good ideas and a healthy amount of twists. The practical effects still impress me to this day.

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/13/2011

Saw it 1 Time & 1 time only

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sapien - wrote on 12/11/2009

I totally recall.

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Ikkinbot - wrote on 08/23/2009

A good movie that was pretty cutting edge for its time. The special effects look a bit dated now, but still worth watching for the story and the action.

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