Quick Movie Reviews
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/11/2014
You either like or hate shaky cam all you want, but never has it been use so effectively like "United 93". It's there for a reason to get the feeling that your every character on that plane, and I do mean everyone. I have no idea how Paul Greengrass dose it, but he manages to take a real tragic and crafted it so masterful that it truly captures the terror on that day. And to all those who died on that day. You will never been forgotten.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 07/20/2012
Told in a very documentary-style approach, United 93 hits home in the realistic and unflinching way it portrays the tragedy of 9/11. Certainly a lot of the power of the film is devised from the inherent familiarity of the tragedy, but Paul Greengrass also finds a way to highlight the tiny moments of humanity amid tragedy.
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SIngli6 - wrote on 06/05/2011
Irrespective of the Dogme 95 pseudo-realism, this was the third best film of 2006.
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donkeyknight - wrote on 05/03/2011
What can you say? It is a tense, emotional experience reliving the emotions of this day and listening to the phone calls made to family. At first I felt it was too soon. But the Bonus Features contained interviews with the family who found the film cathartic and felt it was time to document what happened, lest we forget.
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gideon43 - wrote on 06/04/2010
The first film to recount events that took place during the September 11 terrorist attacks deals with the only aircraft that failed to reach its intended target. United 93 is a powerful, honest and sometimes deeply disturbing picture that tells its tale without resorting to Hollywood schmaltz. With an ending we all know, this film still manages to be engrossing, mesmerizing and incredibly tense. A superbly directed movie, hard to watch yet ultimately a fitting tribute to the many innocent people who died on September 11th 2001.
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goodfellamike - wrote on 10/23/2008
A powerful, moving and telling recreation of what occurred on September 11th, 2001, mostly in the Air Traffic Control towers and on the doomed title flight. No attempts to sympathize with the hijackers are made, which leaves the answers to the moral questions up to the viewer, and very little character development is established for the victims which makes the viewer feel as if they are simply another passanger of the flight as the tragic events unfold. It's a brave, thoroughly directed film with just a little too much high-tech military jargon being used (although I'm sure it's accurate) and it packs an emotional punch without ever feeling forced or manipulative in its dramatics. FInal Grade: A-
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/22/2008
Don't look for a sentimental story here - this is a straight story and very intense, whether the story is on the plane or on the ground. It's not easy to watch, with the memories of 9/11 still fresh, but the film does the subject justice.
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kustaa - wrote on 08/13/2007
What a film. Finest at it best. Of course you wont have "fun" watching it. But you'll not only apreciate as a movie, but also how the director treated the subject. The actors are great too. Miss it only if you can't handle 9/11 at all. Wich would be understandable, because *I* barely can.
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Alex - wrote on 02/01/2007
While lacking in depth, this is still a great movie. It is almost told in a documentary style perspective which makes it even better. We are all shocked again as we see the towers, we are all amazed at what the passengers did on United 93. While I believe better 9/11 movies will come out in this one is the best so far.