Quick Movie Reviews
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Alexa - wrote on 03/09/2009
The special effects and fight scenes are incredible. The actors are brilliantly cast. The film sends the wrong message and that is: If God really cared about us there would not be so much evil in the world. That is 100% NOT true. It does show some promise when it shows that sometimes you must sacrifice something in order to gain something. Just like God sacrificed HIS son for our forgiveness.
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Charlie van Roden - wrote on 03/09/2009
This movie was very well done. I do not mean that the plot was good. The visuals were amazing. The length did not bother me, but it could easily for anybody. The violence was not as over the top. The worst thing was probably someones arms getting cut off or the butcher knife to the head. I think that this movie's actors were good, but they could have been better. Also, the nudity a.k.a the blue knick knack was not in this movie enough to bother me. Overall, this movie was great.
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Bimmerchik4 - wrote on 03/09/2009
The movie was good. I was expecting it to be a lot better. They could have made it shorter. It started to drag at some points. I thought the acting was good. The costumes are just like the novel. Watching the movie was pretty close to the novel. They could have made it better. The fight scenes were good. The special effects were very good. It was missing something.
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Essi Suomela - wrote on 03/08/2009
Zack Snyder is a mystery; Im not sure if he is a genius or the worst director ever... There were definitely too much blue penis, bad song choices and ridiculous costumes, but I did enjoy Watchmen and it definitely had a new and fresh approach to the genre (with the occasional moments of cinematic eye candy). In fact, storywise this is my favorite super hero movie to date.
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Alex - wrote on 03/08/2009
I never read the GN. But it's some above average (better than Hellboy and most others). That doesn't mean it's good. 0 character development and an ending that is as dated as '85. Rorschach and Dr. M are the only two interesting characters.
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12345 - wrote on 03/06/2009
Yes, this movie was beautiful looking, great effects, great fights, but to me the bottom line is my experience as the butt is in the seat, and this movie left me wanting more. 1) The love story was boring 2) No amazing / awesome fight scene / battle / confrontation at the end of the movie between good and evil. 3) Confusing plot (note: I've never heard of Watchmen before the movie) If movie this was a meal, it was like a really really really good popsicle.