Full Movie Reviews
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cinegeek.de - wrote on 05/02/2016
Our Daily Free Stream: Ken Loach - The Wind That Shakes The Barley. "In every generation the Irish people have asserted their right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during the past 300 years, they have asserted it in arms."; so die Proklamation zur Gründung der Republik Irland 1916. Es beginnt auf einem Kampfplatz im Tumult. Männer schwingen ihre Waffen, aber wer genauer hinsieht, bemerkt, dass wir einem Hockey Spiel zusehen, dem irischen Volkssport. Ken Loachs Film setzt im Irland der 20er ein während des Unabhängigkeitskrieges. Hier kämpfen die irischen Arbeiter gegen die Landbarone Grossbritanniens, die Friedenskämpfer gegen die britische Armee - eventuell auch Bruder gegen Bruder. Irische Zivilisten dürfen sich nicht zusammenrotten, irische Männer haben …
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"The Wind That Shakes The Barley" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 02/14/2012
A pair of working class Irish brothers are caught up in the troubles during the social upheaval caused by the fight for independence in 1920. Set during the same period as Neil Jordan's Michael Collins, The Wind That Shakes The Barley is a far more personal representation of the events depicted; while Jordan concentrated on the political movers and shakers of the period, Loach is far more concerned with the ordinary soldiers on the ground and the divisions that were created by the treaty of 1920. Although it centres around the ordinary working class folk of Ireland, I couldn't help the feeling that we didn't really get to know any of them on a personal level leaving little room for emotional attachments; we saw their political views and passions but learn little of them as people. …
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The Wind that Shakes the Barley
Franz Patrick - wrote on 12/24/2007
I'm glad this film took a more personal approach about the conflict between the British and the Irish. A sense of sadness pervaded this film but moments of courage made this movie more uplifting. Cillian Murphy did a wonderful job as a doctor that's been sucked in by his family and friends to defend his country. I find it haunting that initially he was the one that didn't want to get into the war but he turns out to be the one that strives for true justice in the end. Although the film runs for more than two hours, maybe that's a good thing. It allows its audience to consider the material seriously and absorb it. This is one of those movies that didn't really get recognized by a lot of people, which is a shame because people could've learned something from it. Personally, it got to me …