Pan's Labyrinth ( laberinto del fauno, El ) Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

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TheWolf - wrote on 07/23/2007

I am probably one of the only people that will tell you that I didn't enjoy this movie as much as I would have liked. When I saw this movie I was hyped up to see it, the trailers make it seem like it will be a more adult Chronicles of Narnia. Then the first graphically gory scene was so unexpected that it turned me away from the movie. I have to say that Pan's designs, and many of the effects were great, but the movie should have been touted more as a war movie and not a Fantasy film. Had I been somewhat prepared for the gore I probably would have taken to it a little better.

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/14/2007

The Brothers Grimm would be proud. A modern fairy tale that is dark, twisted and amazing. The fantasy world cannot compete with the true horror that reality holds.

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Alex - wrote on 05/20/2007

I preferred the "non fairy tale" scenes over the fantasy scenes. The story is good - taking place in Spain, but the child's imagination has little to do with the end result of the film. I felt it was slightly misguided, though still good.

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