Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 04/30/2023
Bacall and Bogart had "The Big Sleep." Rogers and Astaire had "Top Hat." Meanwhile, Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant had their all time best pairing in this screwball masterpiece.
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SteelCity99 - wrote on 04/22/2018
Misunderstood and terribly underappreciated mix-up of events lunatically orchestrated by an early Howard Hawks. We can't blame the welcome it received by unprepared slapstick-watcher spectators, but this couple of milestones (Bringing Up Baby and His Girl Friday, but you can count The Philadelphia Story in there) has stood the test of time, and is one of the few movies in history that has brilliantly grabbed much more appeal in the modern era than it did before. 98/100
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Unknown - wrote on 08/03/2013
A woman tries to win over an almost married man by means of constant badgering and spontaneous antics. The whole movie is a continuous stream of pratfalls, misunderstandings, and madcap moments. I chuckled often, but some of the misunderstandings become annoying when all the characters are babbling over each other. This makes the latter section in the jailhouse become tiresome, rather than funny.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 08/16/2011
This film is uproariously funny for an early comedy, mostly because it keeps going at a witty and quick pace and never relents, dishing out joke after sly joke. Grant and Hepburn's chemistry is charming and is the glue that holds the smartly-written script together.
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Arbogast1960 - wrote on 03/27/2008
Hard to believe that this film bombed upon its initial release and led to Hepburn being labeled box office poison. The finest of the screwball comedies, moving at a mile a minute (it's almost as exhausting a watch as His Girl Friday!). Hepburn is enchanting as the dizzy human tornado who brings life to Grant's scientist, and it's wonderful to see Grant play slightly against type (it's comedy, yes, but his bumbling, bookish paleontologist is not the urbane Grant we're used to seeing). How can you not love a film that has socialites singing to a leopard as one of its less surreal elements?
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fake_username - wrote on 02/25/2008
A bland comedy with completely madcap characters not only makes this movie unrelatable but also boring. Stale directing and mediocre acting, I can't begin to comprehend why some consider this a classic.
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Allison - wrote on 12/26/2007
One of the most entertaining films and the first movie I liked with Katharine Hepburn. I think their chemistry is undeniable. #2 favorite Cary Grant film
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Alex - wrote on 02/04/2007
While Grant and Hepburn perform well, the story is sub par and the screwball comedy is dated. I enjoy any type of cat, but when they are thrown into a movie and the title, I was sidetracked. This film is dated.