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"The Bad Sleep Well" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 04/19/2012
This is the first of Kurosawa's contemporary stories I have seen, and once again the visual style and composition is remarkable, melding his unique style with the shadowy world of Film Noir. The plot is a variation on the themes of Hamlet set in the corrupt underbelly of corporate Japan. Toshiro Mifune proves there is more to his repertoire than the lone warrior, and is just as much of a bad ass without a katana in his hand. Unfortunately I was struggling with some more dubious subtitling and so probably missed some of the nuances of the script, and the unrelentingly grey morality combined with a (deliberately) unsatisfying ending left me feeling a little disorientated. But there are some wonderful moments, particularly in the middle of the film when Mifune's motives become apparent and …