Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/22/2019
It make low-budget horror films, like the works of Ed Wood, look like "The Shining."
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BmovieJosh - wrote on 09/25/2009
This is a classic B movie and I would kill to see it shown in an older theater or a drive in. This is my favorite era in which films were being made and I think this is one of the better ones. I bought it the other day at a used dvd store for $5. I got ripped since the damn thing probably only cost that to make, but if you like reptile films and b movie cinima then this is the film for you. KILLER FROGS!!!!
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safari kate - wrote on 01/20/2008
This was the first movie that we watched for our "Awesomely Bad Movie Night" in the dorms. It is so absolutely terrible that it swings back to funny, which is the only reason I gave it two stars. The plot deals with frogs and other animals (and plants) taking revenge on a family of non-environmentally-friendly socialites on an island in Florida. It crosses the border into the absurd. This is a good movie for a "Mystery Science Theater"-type get-together. I think you can find it in the dollar bin at Walmart.