Quick Movie Reviews
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Adict - wrote on 06/04/2010
Harvey Milk does not come across as a ground breaking revolutionary character, and that's O.K. The main character here is the religious right and America's overall anti-homosexual sentiments. The actual history behind this isn't so obviously neat and clean, but it is used and remodeled to make the audience think about an important issue that's been debated for decades. Art's purpose is to evaluate what's around it and what's going on. And, as Warhol declared, if one discusses it then it is art. The film itself falls prey to some odd, unexplained cuts through time and relationships, but it does achieve it's purpose of causing critical discussion.
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PsychoKing1227 - wrote on 08/20/2009
What makes this movie so amazing is that it actually happened. Though this movie is a tragedy, it dealt with some of the most controversial issues in a rather light-hearted manner and I appreciated that. Josh Brolin was electrifying in this movie [when isn't he?] and Sean Penn certainly deserved this Oscar. James Franco surprised me, seeing as he was finally in a movie where when he took his shirt off, he wasn't surrounded by women, but by talent. No pun intended. Highly recommended.
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TommyL31 - wrote on 04/17/2009
This was a pretty good movie. It was touching at times and I liked the setup of Harvey dictated a memoir in case of his death. Didn't much care for the love interest story (at least Rick, Scott was pretty good) but then again it was based on a true story so you can't really do much with that. Haven't seen all the movies to make a completely informed judgment but I would think that Sean Penn deserves a nomination for best actor. Milk should be in the conversation for best picture but it wouldn't be outrageous if it got snubbed. I also think Josh Brolin should get some consideration for supporting actor. His part wasn't that big but I thought he played Dan White excellently. This is definitely worth seeing.
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The Movie Man - wrote on 03/09/2009
Sean Penn and Josh Brolin are great, Gus Van Sants direction is great and the rest of the cast is great. It's Well Done in every department
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vinnit - wrote on 02/21/2009
I thought this movie was quite boring i mean okay its okay and i have seen worse but it didn't really attract me but i think sean penn and josh brolin put a great performance i think it is difficult to play a gay person and sean penn ehmm i don't really like his work but he did notch this one up
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Gabe - wrote on 01/14/2009
Until this movie was released, I had never even heard of Harvey Milk, but I'm glad I have now. This movie couldn't have come out at a better time with Prop 8 passing in San Francisco and other states trying to ban gay marraige. Sean Penn is awesome as Mr. Milk as is the rest of the cast, especially Emile Hirsch. Surprisingly, I found the quite possibly one of the worst acting jobs to be Josh Brolin, it's as if he didn't put his whole heart into the charcter of Dan White. Overall a good movie, which I rated with 3 stars because I felt it just wasn't quite 3.5 worthy.
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patjohnson76 - wrote on 12/19/2008
A good bio of slain councilman Harvey Milk, and a great performance by Sean Penn. The film focuses on Milk's rise to his seat on the San Francisco board of supervisors through a few unsuccessful attempts. Once there, he sets his sights on the new anti-gay movement of the time - banning teachers from schools who are openly gay. A great supporting cast, particularly James Franco. A very timely film, given the recent passing of Prop 8. Penn definitely gives one of the best performances of the year. He embodies the character so well he disappears into it.
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Allison - wrote on 12/12/2008
Basically: Emile Hirsch as Cleve Jones was good, Sean Penn played his part nearly the same as he did for I Am Sam, Diego Luna was beyond horrible, and Josh Brolin was good, but his character was creepy. Overall, it was an educational experience, except I read Harvey Milk's bio on Wiki and I've heard The Times of Harvey Milk documentary is better. Reasons for watching Milk this holiday season? One. If you don't feel like watching documentaries or doing the research yourself.