Quick Movie Reviews
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goodfellamike - wrote on 10/29/2008
Rehashed ghost story that seems to borrow from every other Japanese thriller (Ju-on, Ringu, etc.) with added style by director Takashi Miike, though less gruesome than his usual offerings. Final Grade: C+
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kcvidkid - wrote on 10/20/2008
For the first time I can remember, I watched an original Asian horror movie that I did not like better than its American remake. And that's a real surprise considering the director. Since they are all variations of the same plot, it must be that the execution was just not as spooky. And this one was more confusing than most, without a payoff.
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Allison - wrote on 02/15/2008
Unfortunately, it's not as good as some of the other J-horror or even some of the other Takashi Miike films. Audition would be a much better choice, but what to do if you've already seen it? I wouldn't see the American remake no matter what.
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/26/2008
Has a good premise, but the problem is this too much like every other J-horror film out there. It's pretty much a combination of Ringu and Ju-On (with cell phones!). The end is good, but it can't save an otherwise mediocre horror film.