Ebola Syndrome ( Yi boh laai beng duk ) Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

Warning: Not for the Faint of Heart!

Chris Kavan - wrote on 07/21/2008

One a 1 to 10 on the perverse, disturbing scale, this gets cranked all the way to 11. For those not familiar with Cat III films, it's a division of Hong Cinema that deals with everything from pornography to gristly exploitation films. Ebola Syndrome is a little of both, though it seems to be parodying itself.

As the plot says, the film follows a degenerate man as he rapes and kills indiscriminately - and he happens to catch the Ebola virus and be one of ten millions who carries the disease but doesn't die from it. He then goes on a merry Ebola-spreading spree, including serving human hamburgers (infected of course) to unwary patrons.

As a person who is always looking for something to shock and / or disturb, I was not disappointed. This isn't a movie you want to watch with the …

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