Full Movie Reviews
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"Knowing" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 01/30/2012
A time capsule is opened after 50 years and seems to contain predictions about every catastrophe that has happened in the world over the time it has been underground. It has always disturbed me how a lot of these hokey conspiracy chillers often seem to contain an underlying "stealth" agenda that depicts modern science as a load of quackery unable to grasp the "truth" contained within a 2000 year old book of contradictory fairy tales and gibberish, and atheism in particular as " just a phase" undergone by misguided buffoons who are sulking about losing a wife/child/cocker spaniel/favourite budgie. That aside, Knowing is actually a decently made supernatural thriller containing some initially intriguing hooks, atmospheric visuals and appropriately spectacular ID4 style destruction. The …
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Knowing Review
Myviewing - wrote on 12/01/2009
With the return of Alex Proyas comes the latest "Could have been a hit" film Knowing. The film is set after the discovery of a set of numbers buried in a time capsule after 50 years. When Nicolas Cage's character finds it, he relizes that the numbers are a sign of drastic events to come. There are only a few sequences left, and it's up to him to find out what it is. Knowing has a pretty ambitious setting, but most of it really tends to trip over itself at times. Nicolas Cage is an alright actor for the lead, a lot better than his role in the Wickerman remake, and there are some points where his acting manages to feel particularly human. However there are times when he just doesn't feel like he was meant for the role, being that he always ends up in the disasters and he doesn't …
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Not sure how to take, Knowing.
krissi1023 - wrote on 07/19/2009
Well I just got done watching this movie and I'm really not sure what to make of it. Is it a thriller on an X-Files line or is it more on the religious side with, Adam and Eve and the world making over again. I felt that it was more of a religious side... the picture that was hung up in the bedroom... it showed angels on the right hand side that looked, odd not the normal cherub cute ones. If you paid attention the aliens had whispy wings when they went up. Also when I was little my grandmother used to tell me that I had a guard angel on my shoulder who would protect me and guide me. Well that's exactly what they did, protected and guided them. With his father being a preacher and all... it sort of came across like that to me.
I think there was a few scenes that they could …
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Go see this one!
spacelion88 - wrote on 03/29/2009
I am so glad I saw this movie in the theatre! The first half was a little too slow and drawn out at some parts with stuff we've all seen before, but towards the end and the conclusion I was so thrilled and amazed at the surprising plot.
"Knowing" had its flaws. It's not a master piece or anything, but it was pretty fun and one of the scariest movies I've seen in the theatre-be warned that the disaster scenes are really intense. The main problem is all the stuff in between that you don't care about. Don't get me wrong, Nicholas Cage and the other characters were interesting and I did care about their lives, just not enough given the time spent on them.
This movie could have used slightly less drama and more War of the Worlds/ Independance Day-type scenes. I don't want to spoil anything …
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The More You Know...
Chris Kavan - wrote on 03/29/2009
The problem with Knowing is that is builds up this great head of steam, even with a dearth of average performances, then makes a sudden shift at the end that almost destroys the everything that has come before it.
There are a lot of things going for this film: the story is both interesting and engaging, the action sequences look great without being too graphic, the characters are pretty well developed, with flaws and strengths. The elements are all here for an amazing film, but there's something missing - that crucial spark that raises it from good to great.
One problem is that the characters, while given a lot to work with, aren't particularly well-acted. Nicolas Cage has never been what I would call a knockout actor. A lot of his work can be summed up as "adequate" and that's …
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A Fine Attempt at a Great Movie
Arek - wrote on 03/22/2009
I suspect a number of people will leave the theater disappointed with this movie. The main cause for this is twofold. First, the movie's genre has been mislabeled - for those of you that don't know yet, it's really a sci fi film. Second, the movie's finale is likely to be polarizing to audiences (it’s something that will either pull the story together nicely for you, or come off as cornball). An excellent score, sound effects, and visual effects help to keep the movie entertaining throughout; even when we are pulled in several very different directions. Although the film has some major flaws, I find that they are honest ones (unlike The Happening, whose flaws insult the audience's intelligence at every turn).
The basic question posed in the movie is whether the universe is …
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"Knowing" what?
kngdomheart123 - wrote on 03/21/2009
It seems that "Knowing" starts off as a dull excuse for a movie, but then picks up near the middle and the end. The real question about this movie is it's genre. Is it a horror movie or a thriller/drama. This movie has good special effects and really show what a real life disaster should look like but the acting is not up to par. Nicholas Cage does not perform to his highest potential but still performed well. The director Alex Proyas also seems to have "over done it" a little bit. Even though he seems to really show the real thing (if there was a real end of the world) the entire movie made me freak out a bit. I think I swallowed my heart but if the director was going for the "real deal" then I should have given him a 4 out of 4. But instead I give this movie a 2.5 out of 4.