G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/17/2014

The film is about a group of globe-trotting elite soldiers with the latest in equipment, G.I. JOE, mobilize to fight Destro and the growing threat of the Cobra organization before the world is plunged into chaos. The action in the movie was well done and the directing wasn't half bad. But the characters and the story could have been done better.

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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/08/2011

This movie sucked on so many different levels.Bad acting,Corny Jokes & if your a true fan of Gi Joe like I am then youll find so many things wrong with this movie its not even funny!!! I can go on & on & on.I pray that there wont be a sequel but somebody will come along & make a Gi Joe movie the way it was meant to be made.Im SO happy I didnt waste my $$$ & go see it in the theater but waited for it to come to Redbox & only paid $1 to see it & it wasn't even worth my $1

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myfaja - wrote on 08/21/2011

This movie is terrible. It's loud, it's obnoxious and the acting is painful to watch.

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Alex - wrote on 08/14/2011

A solid action movies. Very fun and entertaining. I am hopeful that the same people that think this is crap also think Transformers 1 is crap. This is almost as good and has enough story lines going to keep even Star Wars fans happy. If you like action and want to have some fun, see this movie.

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mitchellyoung - wrote on 02/27/2011

Horrible, pointless movie, loosely based on an action figure series. Lots of mindless action, some corny jokes, wooden action, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt embarrassing himself by hamming it up as Cobra Commander. And they're making a sequel? Yikes...

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Joshua - wrote on 11/15/2009

Look, this wasn't one of the greatest movies of all time. But if your looking for a fast moving, action packed, special effects extravaganza, this is your movie. Just think "a cartoon that comes to life."

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TheManWithNoName - wrote on 08/31/2009

In a summer of awful blockbusters and stupid popcorn films that make you feel like your IQ has dropped sharply after you're done watching it, this one stands alone as the worst one of the summer. So if you can avoid it, do so. Channing Tatum gives one of his worst performances, and for him that's saying something.

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The Scripted - wrote on 08/27/2009

Ok. If you loved the cartoon don't see this movie. The acting is awful (sans Snakes eyes and Storm Shadow), the comedic relief (Marlon Wayans) is not funny at all, and the special effects are horrible. If you are new to G.I. Joe i.e. under the age of 18 you might enjoy it thoroughly and think it is the best thing since transformers, but if you are of age and know the hisrory, you will be very diasappointed. I just pray that they step up their game for part 2 and yes, there will be a sequel. I smell a franchise coming on.

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Gabe - wrote on 08/17/2009

This movie destroyed my childhood memories. I was (and I guess still am) a huge Joe fan, but this film was not good. First of all, what's with the black leather suits. X-Men did this and it didn't work. Part of what made G.I. Joe great was the different clothing that each character wore. Then there was the acting, or lack of as i should say. This film is what it is, a summer action flick and not much else, see it at your own risk.

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Ikkinbot - wrote on 08/16/2009

I almost rated this movie so-so but decided it committed to many action/sci-fi movie crimes. 1. It took itself too seriously 2. It was missing a plot or even a story 3. It told you the story instead to showing you the story 4. There was pointless technology (i.e. accelarator suits). Now I love both action and sci-fi so I'm not saying it should have been Hamlet just you know maybe entertaining. In the end the movie was just boring. If it was truly terrible maybe I would have had more fun at the theater.

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