Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Arek - wrote on 09/25/2009
The only reason I finished watching this movie is because I was stuck in a seat for 9 hours on an international flight and had no other option than to stare at the map (which I did periodically anyway). A clichéd story that could be adequately described in about 20 second, stereotyped characters, jokes that aren't funny make this one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Eddie Murphy - what happened to you? Even your flops of the 80's were leagues above this atrocity.
Rating of
Northeast Kid - wrote on 06/15/2009
One of the worst movies I have seen a long time. It was quite terrible and I never want to see this again. Eddie Murphy has lost any sense of discovering good films. Why would anyone go see this. Not only is the acting bad but so is the camera, the music and the story. Not to self, never watch this flick.