Quick Movie Reviews
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FSUNoles27TS - wrote on 12/04/2012
This was truly a great film. It has two of my favorite actors who have some of the best performances of their career. This is a must-see for comedy fans as it is a look into the depressing side of being a star comedian and the plight of a aspiring one.
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Mohammad - wrote on 07/17/2012
As much as i hate Adam Sandler, this movie was surprisingly great
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 08/02/2011
Not as laugh-out-loud funny as previous Apatow films, but still, Funny People has a strong thematic core and that transcends the laughs. Adam Sandler turns in an understated performance, his best since Punch-Drunk Love, and the film doesn't shy away from a real discussion of marriage and mortality.
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tscha1906 - wrote on 07/13/2011
i always like adam sandler movie cause hes funny right. but when i saw this movie, im very disaapointed how sucks it is. i see the title and the trailer it suppose to be funny right. but not at all when i see the movie. aw verry disaapointing...........................................................................................................................:(
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/09/2010
Tries to be funny and serious but can't find quite the right balance. Probably one of Adam Sandler's better roles, but he looks bored half the time. It has its moments but overall I was expecting more.
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patjohnson76 - wrote on 01/06/2010
Judd Apatow gets pretty serious here, and it's all well intentioned, but there's a little too much movie here to be effective. Adam Sandler is pretty good in his role and Seth Rogen smartly underplays. The two have good chemistry together and the supporting characters are okay enough. It just seemed to really try too hard to hit me with emotion, plus it's about 30 minutes too long. Good for a Netflix viewing.
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Eli - wrote on 12/09/2009
An astranomically Underrated movie, Oscar worthy In my opinon. Adam sandler's best performance. I LOVED this movie.
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Allison - wrote on 08/27/2009
Is it too much to ask that a movie called Funny People should be funny? Well, yes. Like Alex, I had heard it wasn't that funny, so I had low expectations. However, I hadn't heard anything else. What I discovered that it was a poignant drama with jokes (some people call this a dramedy nowadays). It is about comedians dealing with serious things: cancer, cheating girlfriends, not being funny enough (which threatens their careers). So...if you can handle a little meat, you will not be disappointed. Review also on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/allisoncm/film/funny-people/
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Unknown - wrote on 08/12/2009
A step back for writer/director Apatow. He attempts to balance comedy and deeply emotional drama, but the effect is less than good. There were a handful of funny and heartfelt moments spread out. Later in the film, some scenes dragged on past the point and others felt completely unnecessary. It's a case of too much.