Beowulf Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 08/26/2023

It holds up the worst of Robert Zemeckis' motion-capture films, and not just because of its outdated and lifeless animation. But also its joyless interpretation of the classic epic poem it's based on.

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Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/12/2014

Beowulf is kind of a ass-hole in this film. The story is about a evil monster Grendel and her mother due to the fact that they are terrorizing villages until Beowulf has to save the day. The animation in this film was okay I mean at times it looked stunning but at times it looked a bit fake. The main character of the film (Beowulf) and he is kind of a dick, at the first he was okay but toward there end he became a ass and a idiot.

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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/18/2011

A story of a brave warrior Beowulf (Ray Winstone) together with his trusted friend Wiglaf (Brendan Gleeson) and fellow soldiers travel to Denmark to slay a monster called Grendel (Crispin Glover). The subjects tackled were temptation for power, loyalty and maturation of ones character. So many big names were involved but overall, just a decent film with loads of action, drama with a simple story. Beowulf is definitely for mature audiences who want to try this type of format.

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fifteen% - wrote on 07/10/2009

great animations! the first time i saw the trailer i thought it was live-action. well-written by roger avary and neil gaiman!

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CJP - wrote on 09/19/2008

Action: 2/3 + Comedy: 0/2 + Good vs Evil: 1/1 + Love/Sex: 0.5/1 + Special Effects: 0.5/1 + Plot: 1/1 + Music: 1/1 = 6/10 or 60%. The animation and certain 3-D aspects of Beowulf (for example the final fight, the environment) are a sight to behold and Grendel is truly scary. Other aspects of the 3-D scoping become tiresome as there always seems to be something just off camera over and over and over. This pattern drags down an otherwise tense filled action saga of moral decay to average territory.

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patjohnson76 - wrote on 04/14/2008

The story of Beowulf, made with real actors but then animated somehow, is an okay movie. I have to admit, while I had it on I would find other things to do, like loading the dishwasher, replying to email, working on other stuff,etc. The animation is all right but at times it's distracting, because it looks like you're watching a video game. If you're not expecting much, you should enjoy it.

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FZero - wrote on 03/01/2008

As much as the animation gets discussed and the pros and cons are weighed, thats not what the movie was about to me. The dark tone and the flawed hero is what made it so damn enjoyable. Yes, in a film where eye candy is king good old fashioned story telling still rules.

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catmeows84 - wrote on 01/09/2008

I really like this movie. I thought the animation was great, and the story was good too. It had good actions scenes too.

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SarahG0327 - wrote on 12/19/2007

I can't say that I either loved or hated this movie. I saw it in 3-D and I think that was my favorite part. I must say that in some parts I expected a soft porn to break out. But, I have always liked the story of Beowulf and I felt the concept and execution was very good. It's worth a look if you're interested in something different.

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The MovieBuff - wrote on 11/26/2007

Wouldn't it be cheaper to make a live action movie with the actors? I was not really impressed with the CGI characters. I felt the 'acting' to be a bit stiff, and the characters expressionless.

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