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Stone review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 10/27/2012
Jack and Madylyn have been married for more than 40 years. Gerald "Stone" Creeson is interviewed by Jack and gets enraged. Lucetta does what she can for her husbands release. The idea of Norton as a prisoner with an accent is ludicrous, that's his curse for being sensational in American History X. De Niro as a disgruntled old man doesn't require much from him while Jovovich just needs to act sexy and seductive for her role. Talents of the two gentlemen were certainly wasted on the incompetent script despite its positive intent. There were instances when it felt too preachy and moments some scenes felt missing (what happened to Lucetta and Stone after being released, no conversations the last time Stone and Jack encounter each other, etc.). It has however a few insightful lines …