Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Die Zutaten
cinegeek.de - wrote on 05/10/2016
Werner Herzogs fatales Portrait eines Vergewaltigers, Mörders, Drogensüchtigen (...), der unter Paranoia leidet und sich grosse Sorgen um die Leguane macht. Dieser korrupte Polizist agiert in New Orleans, kurz nach der Katastrophe des Hurricanes Katrina. Herzog gibt sich gar keine Mühe, diese legendäre Stadt in einem schmeichelhaften Licht zu zeigen. Sein Film darf auch als Komödie über einen hinterhältigen, aber doch tapferen Mann genossen werden. Und wer könnte diesen Mann besser darstellen als Nicolas Cage, der noch nie Angst davor hatte, "over the top" zu spielen? Fast könnte man meinen, Cage und Herzog wären füreinander geboren worden! Das Vorbild ist Abel Ferraras Bad Lietenant und es bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das Original auch zu seinem Recht kommt! Cages Cop Terence …
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"Bad Lieutenant" by Yojimbo
Yojimbo - wrote on 11/13/2012
A corrupt New Orleans detective juggles his drug addiction, high class hooker girlfriend and gambling debts while trying to solve the gangland execution of a Senegalese family. Bad Lieutenant is a semi-remake of an extremely bleak and nihilistic Abel Ferrara film but its approach is rather more comic than the original, largely because of Nicolas Cage's typically eccentric performance. Cage's projects are always extremely hit and miss but this is exactly the kind of off beat story that suits his larger than life persona down to the ground and he remains very watchable throughout. It's very much a one man show though and although there are a fair number of laughs because of his sheer, bare faced bravado, the complete lack of consequences or redemption for his immoral actions make the …
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Not Bad, but not BAD enough
Alex - wrote on 04/18/2010
I was somewhat disappointed in this film but yet somewhat surprised. Nic cage is one of my least favorite actors and these movie shows yet again that he simply is not good at acting. Despite this major flaw, the story is decent.
So I say the story is decent, but really it could have been a lot better. Think post Katrina with a couple of crooked cops. Sounds good, right? Well Herzog went lame and didn't show the true grit of the area. They should have left out any of the post Katrina part out of it. It didn't add anything to the story.
It was well shot and decently paced. Kind of saucy at times but in the end fell flat. Eva Mendes was hot as usual and the rest of cast was OK. The movie was not edgy enough nor was the star good at acting.
I would rent this to check it out, but …