Yogi Bear Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews


Rating of

Yogi Bear (2010)

MovieAddict - wrote on 01/28/2012

The Yogi Bear movie is just like the cartoon…only longer…and is certainly worth seeing for any childhood Yogi Bear fan looking for 82 minutes of lighthearted fun and pure escapism. The city is in financial trouble and smarmy Mayor Brown (Andrew Daly) sees this as a great opportunity to fund his campaign for Governor and bring in more funds to support his life style by closing down the loss-making Jellystone Park and sell it off to logging companies. In comes a documentary filmmaker Rachel(played by Anna Faris), a girl who wants to do a story about a certain talking wild bear named Yogi, who lives in a park and steals food from the visitors. Along the way she crosses paths with Yogi Bear’s sidekick Boo-Boo and Ranger Smith and they all team up to rescue the park from destruction by …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Yogi Bear review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 08/08/2011

I grew up watching the cartoon version of Yogi Bear. The cartoons had humor and stories that were entertaining. This picture however seems to try to hard in all aspects. Musical background was fun, cinematography looked faked, Yogi was annoying, only Boo Boo was interesting and the plot was very shallow. Yes the message was clear, saving nature and all, still, a lot of elements in a film was missing. It is targeted for children, not sure stealing is something good they can learn from. if only this had a better script/director. Too bad the legendary Dan Akroyd and funny Tom Cavanagh was in this. The character of Anna Faris was not that engaging so the build up of the romance was horrendous. One of a few misses from one of the most popular TV shows for kids, if your an adult who …

lisa wa
lisa wa

Rating of

It Sucked

lisa wa - wrote on 05/07/2011

This has got to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I know that it was meant for little kids who don't really care about the elements that make up movies, but that does not give this movie an excuse to be terrible. Here are the reasons why I think it was so bad:
1. There was a really weak plot.
2. It was wannabe funny. They were trying too hard with the jokes and they were not even funny. (Although I am sure that some young children got a kick out the jokes.)
3. The character development was horrific.
4. There was no chemistry whatsoever between the movie lady and the ranger.
5. All the characters were annoying.
I hated it, but it is good movie for kids who are entertained very easily. Other than those young kids, I would recommend avoiding this film at all costs.

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