Burke and Hare Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Matthew Brady - wrote on 07/08/2015

It''s a real damn same that a director like John Landis can make a pretty terrible comedy like this, I mean I didn't laugh once during the movie and I didn't really enjoy it that much.

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GJ81 - wrote on 11/05/2010

It's incredibly sad to see a film-maker with a handful of classic movies to his name, really mess up his reputation. John Landis has made a movie about corpses, and sadly this film is the ugliest one of all. A talented cast completely wasted and ridiculed by a terrible terrible script, full of 'Carry On...' style slapstick that rightfully grew tired 30 years ago. Struggling with accents and lazy direction, every scene fizzles out, gag after gag landing with a rotten thud. The less said about the plot the better. I can wholeheartedly guarantee that at the end of this decade, Burke and Hare will be in my 10 worst film of...list. Just awful.

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