Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/23/2024
"Collateral" is a group effort with all the right people in all the right parts. Michael Mann with his sharp directing skills and inside and out knowledge of his usual L.A. setting keeps things tight and striking. Meanwhile, Jamie Foxx does most of the heavy lifting in way of dramatic acting as Tom Cruise and his action hero persona shine (as chance would have it) in the role of the story's antagonist.
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Ian - wrote on 12/26/2020
A whole lot of suspension of disbelief is necessary to take this movie seriously. Let's just say Tom Cruise is one extremely merciful assassin. In one part he basically lets himself get shot. Even though earlier he had no problem taking out a squad of heavily armed cops. So many times I was distracted by the ridiculousness of the plot holes.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 08/30/2015
Collateral might actually be my favorite movie from Michael Mann. Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx both gave a great and unforgettable performance in this movie, and the fact that Tom Cruise is playing a villain was so brilliant and payed off excellently well, and that was pulled off by the writing, the directing, and Cruise himself. Michael Mann has a beautiful and yet stunning vision of LA nights that got me this warm feeling inside of me with this open world feel to it and the amazing cinematography that got me so awe-stuck. A lot of people say Heat is their favorite Michael Mann movie and while I do like Heat I got to say that I enjoyed and loved Collateral a little more.
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Yojimbo - wrote on 09/14/2012
Jamie Foxx is very good in his part, particularly during the scene when he has to bluff his way into the lion's den but it suffers for having a miscast Cruise in the role of the killer.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 05/25/2012
Michael Mann directs a tense and claustrophobic thriller that probes an interesting moralistic center. The film makes use of its HD photography, achieving a grainy and realistic feeling that paints a sinister hue over recognizable locales in Los Angeles. Combined with Ray, 2004 was Jamie Foxx's coming out year as a serious actor and here, he does an excellent job of standing toe to toe with Tom Cruise's menacing performance. An exciting and interesting thrill ride from start to finish.
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Daniel Corleone - wrote on 11/12/2011
Had interesting parts and good dialogue. Style of directing was realistic and had a few surprising scenes that kept it longer. The finale seemed abrupt and the antagonist just wasn't that memorable. Foxx and Cruise were solid, the role of Jada Pinkett Smith was decent. Still enjoyed Heat more than this crime thriller of the director. Collateral is a nice film to view for hitman type film fanatics.
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Unknown - wrote on 10/02/2011
Well written and highly entertaining. Cruies and Fox make the movie.
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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 08/16/2011
Collateral sucked from start to finish.I shouldve known a movie with Jamie Foxx & Tom Cruise in it would not be good
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Judge - wrote on 05/25/2010
This movie's alright, but it lacks action. Alot of dialogue.
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mdtinney - wrote on 10/21/2009
Collateral is one of those rare movies that strives to keep an audience interested from end to end--not just with action and loud noises, but with well-written and smart dialogue. The casting of Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx were also superb decisions, as both again cemented the fact that they have a right to be recognized as some of the most talented actors of their generation. Combine this with the film's noir stylings and its clever plot, and you have a modern masterpiece of a film. Michael Mann only really began appearing in the public eye as a producer and director in the late 1990s, but based on his work here I would like him to keep working for a long time to come--he deserves to be noticed.