Quick Movie Reviews
Rating of
Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 01/16/2024
I know it's kinda late for Christmas themed movies, but "Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale" is a good way to wait out the winter weather. It's like if the movies about killer Santa Clauses like "Santa's Slay" and "Violent Night" had a touch of "Alien" and "The Thing."
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Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/22/2014
You don't often associate horror with Christmas (though a few have tried) but this Finnish effort really makes something different - Santa Claus isn't a jolly old man - he's a vicious near-demon and his "elves" are decrepit old men who like to bite (and decapitate people). Still, it takes a humorous approach to the whole thing and lead child actor Onni Tommila does an excellent job (and his wardrobe is spectacular). It's outlandish, but I had a good time with it.