Full Movie Reviews
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Here Comes the Boom review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 02/09/2013
"I'm just trying to make things better." "Without music, life would be a mistake." "Find your passion." ooookaaaaaaaaay!!!! Is this a real class or a movie? Scott Voss (Kevin James) is helping Marty (Henry Winkler) from being laid off. The idea of a former wrestler who is a flabby teacher trying out as an MMA fighter to raise money was just flabbergasting. James is not even close to Robin Williams in Dead's Poets Society. His character even admitted he wasn't a good teacher, what made him become such an effective teacher all of a sudden? The scene where Bella Flores (Salma Hayek) tried to help the dislocated arm of Marty was just plain idiotic. Kevin James just doesn't appeal to this rater. In the realm of comedy, either your funny or not, nothing in-between. The supporting …
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'Here Comes the Boom' Movie Review
trophywife - wrote on 10/25/2012
Would it be showing my age if I told you that seeing a movie where Henry Winkler plays a senior citizen music teacher took me a little bit by surprise, since my greatest memories of him are in a black leather jacket, uttering the word “Ayyyyy” ? Turns out, Mr. Winkler is just as fun and charming now as he was during my childhood.
THE GOOD: Scott Voss (played by the funny and talented Kevin James) is a former wrestler turned apathetic teacher at a high school that is undergoing budget cuts. When he learns that the job of his music teacher friend (Winkler) will be the first to go, he comes up with a plan to raise the needed money by moonlighting as a mixed martial arts fighter –well, why not? Along the way, the uninspired teacher begins to inspire others, including Bella, the …