Full Movie Reviews
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Impressive film !
ikkegoemikke - wrote on 02/11/2015
An impressive, breathtaking, haunting and frightening movie that I surely won't forget. A very realistic picture about the devastating force that a tsunami can cause and it demonstrates how tiny we human beings are despite our high-tech knowledge when facing natural phenomena .
The title of the movie on its own is already a whopper of a spoiler, but personally I would rather just see this small miracle about a whole family surviving this disaster instead of seeing a movie about the thousands who didn't survive. "Youtube" is full of tragic films,pictures and photos of victims. That this movie was overflown (sorry...) with a Hollywood sauce is perfectly normal. Had they filmed it as realistic as in reality, this would have been the most sickening movie nobody is waiting for. That's why …
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Great feel good movie
Lee - wrote on 02/06/2013
I want to start this review by saying that if you are in a time in your life where you think everything is bad have a look at this film as it will make you feel that things aren't really that bad. Definatly the feel good movie of 2012.
When i originally heard via Cnn in 2004 that on Boxing day of all days, that a 30ft Tsunami had hit the asian islands i could not believe my eyes as to the catastrophe that ensumed the eastern peninsula also the death toll was nothing short of astronomical with the huge wave leaving 230,000- 280,000 dead in it's wake. The worst mother nature disaster in history.
The Impossible is based on the true life story of Maria Belon, a spanish physician (Although she was portrayed by english actress Naomi Watts who is nominared for best actress for it) …
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The Impossible review
Daniel Corleone - wrote on 01/29/2013
"It's a beautiful mystery isn't it?" Intense, moving and powerful. On Christmas Eve the Bennett family spend their vacation In Thailand. A tsunami hits and Maria Bennett (Naomi Watts) and her husband Henry (Ewan McGregor) and their three sons Lucas (Tom Holland), Tomas and Simon get lost in the incident. It has the most horrific/authentic opening disaster sequence on-screen. The hospital was grueling as well. This critic has never grimaced and winced as much on a movie, and this is a drama. Naomi Watts has that ability, to pull you in because of her vulnerability/pain because of the power to convince. McGregor was heart-wrenching as well. It's baffling how the Academy Awards snubbed a picture of this magnitude. Best lines: Maria - "You get to go and do something. Go help …
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lastonetoleave - wrote on 01/20/2013
The Impossible (2013) Based on a true story of a family who, while on vacation at a coastal resort in Thailand, are separated after a devastating Tsunami hits. Naomi Watts, in an Academy Award nominated role, plays Maria, the mom who has given up being a doctor to raise her family. Ewan McGregor plays the father, Henry, who, when separated from his wife and oldest boy, risks his own life to find them once again. Watts is brilliant in the role of a woman who is determined to make sure that her oldest son (Tom Holland) survives the ordeal, even if it means risking her own life. The special effects are incredibly realistic and you get the full effect of what it would be like to be hit by a tidal wave of water and debris. This is an awe-inspiring film that keeps you not only on the edge …