Quick Movie Reviews
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Yojimbo - wrote on 05/26/2012
Against my better judgement, I really warmed to Kevin Kline in this film and Weaver has never been more approachable. Contrived pap, yes, but likeable contrived pap.
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Alaine - wrote on 12/16/2011
What would a decent person do if given the office of President? Kevin Kline fills in for his look-alike President and takes command.
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donkeyknight - wrote on 05/03/2011
When Sarah Palin was announced as VP nominee, this is what I thought of. What's not to like about this charming and optimistic little movie? You've got the versatile Kevin Kline, the lovely and shockingly still without an Oscar Sigourney Weaver, Ving Rhames with hair and Bonnie Hunt making us laugh for the entire 90 seconds she's on film.