Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/10/2019
The B-movie thrills and dependence on special effects do little to outline realities of climate change, turning "The Day After Tomorrow" into a disposable summer blockbuster.
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Yojimbo - wrote on 09/13/2012
Yet another Emmerich disasterthon that replaces plot with dated CGI effects. The climate change "predictions" are interesting but ultimately transformed into an aimless theme park ride.
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Unknown - wrote on 10/02/2011
Another empty disaster film that exists just to show some special effects at work. After the earth freezes over, the movie just goes nowhere.
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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/20/2011
Special effects were the best thing about this movie
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 08/07/2011
This is a not so thinly veiled preachy action film against global warming. It obsesses over special effects laden, often ridiculous and improbable sequences of catastrophe and, in the process, forgets the intimate story of its characters that it should be telling.
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gideon43 - wrote on 05/26/2010
Subtlety is not an option. The movies of Roland Emmerich are usually dumb, loud and highly entertaining, The Day after Tomorrow is no exception. In an era of extreme weather and scientist predictions regarding the malevolent force of Global warming TDAT is a timely if rather overblown warning of things to come if we fail to heed the doom mongers. Filled with exceptional special effects, seat of the pants last minute escapes and scenes of destruction and devastation on a grandeur scale, TDAT does exactly what it says on the tin. Put your brain in neutral, take the phone off the hook and enjoy one of the best popcorn movies of the decade.
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LeopardExplosion - wrote on 10/30/2008
The Day After Tommorow is an interesting disaster movie that sure'll catch the eye. but with a questionable ending, small character development, and confusing plotholes, this movie doesn't have really have a thorough sense of direction. Overall, if your into Disaster flicks, meh, go ahead check it out. FINAL SCORE :::: 42% ::::
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Waffles - wrote on 08/23/2008
i liked that it was on a world stage but it was a bad ending. The world won't be normal again after a week or so. Overall, it was still great.