Day Watch ( Dnevnoy dozor ) Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

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Unknown - wrote on 12/06/2011

Being that 'Night Watch' confused the hell out of me, I didn't enjoy this film. There are some things here that I've never seen in a SFX heavy film, but I could care less at this point.

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Tjommi - wrote on 08/29/2011

They did everything right in the first movie, so I really have no idea how they managed to get this one so wrong. I like the action sequences, it's just all that other stuff in between that I didn't like. The charm of the first movie was the high pace and the original twist on the traditional vampire lore. Where this one went wrong was when they added to much drama into it. The story was allright, but it just got to much fill that ruined the pace.

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Katie D. - wrote on 10/19/2010

Sequel to the first movie. While this movie is titled adfter the second novel, the story is based on the other stories within the first Nightwatch novel. I'm glad they went back to the forst novel because there was too much left untold to jump to the second novel. This movie did a great job wrapping up Anton's troubles. The movie looked great and the actors did a great job. Worth seeing if you're a fan of the series.

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Josh C - wrote on 11/22/2008

I watched this before Night Watch and it was still good. That has to say something about the movie. The story is great and the special effects are unique. Check this one out.

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 09/26/2008

After being introduced the this world of light and dark in Night Watch, Day Watch takes that world and blows off the doors: action, body-switching and the complete destruction of Moscow. Plus the end ties in nicely to the first film.

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Franz Patrick - wrote on 12/23/2007

The previews made it look like the next "The Matrix" but it really isn't. Going into the film, my expectations were high because the previews showed some very interesting scenes. Unfortunately, the previews showed everything this film has to offer. Most of the time, the characters talk of powers of good and evil without really doing anything about it. The ending was unsatisfying and confusing. One would think the ending would actually pay off because the journey there was incredibly slow. This is one of those films that I would actually pay NOT to see again. It could have been a lot more focused and better planned; it's really disappointing.

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