Full Movie Reviews
Rating of
Not as bad as everyone is making it!
Lee - wrote on 01/17/2013
Being an avid reader of Patterson's novels, The Alex Cross charector is one of my faves, I however have always pictured Shemar Moore (Derek Morgan in Criminal Minds) as the movie version of Alex. So when Moore was once again not asked instead Tyler Perry (Madea) was i was very skeptical as i have only seen him in the Madea movies which are comical a far reach from what he would be expected to do in the Alex Cross film. Now having seen the film, i don't understand all the hullaballoo created by quite a few that have already seen the film? Some have stated the main reason they hated it was Tyler Perry's Alex Cross others have complained about the differences from the actual novel (No surprise there) I personally enjoyed this film and thought, although not my choice, he didnt do that bad a …