Lay the Favorite Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Chris Kavan
Chris Kavan
Movie God

Rating of

Lay It On Smooth

Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/21/2013

This is a character-driven film all the way. The great thing about it is that those characters are much different than what you expect having seen the actors involved over the years. The story isn't exceptional, but it holds together enough to interesting. Even if you don't know a thing about gambling (or don't care) - it opens up enough if this slice of life to prove not everyone involved in the trade is an oily, greedy monster.

That brings us to our lineup. Bruce Willis is the main gambler, Dink Heimowitz - and if all you know him from is Die Hard or other action films, he really manages to present an entirely different facet. He's insecure, he's under the thumb of his wife, Tulip (Catherine Zeta-Jones) and - dare I say - even vulnerable. When he gets mad, you get a hint of John …

Daniel Corleone
Daniel Corleone
Movie God

Rating of

Lay the Favorite review

Daniel Corleone - wrote on 12/28/2012

Not as entertaining as some gambling sports movie are, even with name stars. A true story about a girl's adventure named Beth Raymer (Rebecca Hall) who meets a successful married entrepreneur engaged in the gambling sports world named Dink Heimowitz (Bruce Willis). Hall was somewhat uninteresting but Willis and Catherine Zeta-Jones were worth watching in their roles. It's always fascinating how Willis can still be watchable no matter how bad or good a picture is. Jackson trying too hard to be charming, was uninteresting. Not really funny but worth viewing because of the nature of business Beth was involved in. Lay the Favorite may not be that hilarious fr a genre, it does however represent how luck and friendships can make a huge difference for a former on call stripper.

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