Quick Movie Reviews
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Alaine - wrote on 12/13/2011
More fairy talery. CInderella sure gets onscreen. As much as Romeo and Juliet? This is OK and Anne Hathaway gets to be a princess again.
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Unknown - wrote on 12/08/2011
Takes a somewhat clever spin on the fairy tale formula, but comes out just okay. Best left to families and kids.
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Daniela Bonesso - wrote on 05/09/2011
Histerical senseless musical numbers and martial arts fight sequences...simply horrible.
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PsychoKing1227 - wrote on 10/19/2010
Now, let us entertain the thought for even a brief glimpse that Anne Hathaway was an incredibly talented actress but with a very poor-opted agent who decides that "fairy-tale"-esque films were the only vehicle to showcase this client's abilities. Now, let's assume that this wildly-entertained idea was what I actually believed and therefore feel so incredibly poorly that this very talented woman (who was shafted at the Oscars for her role in "Brokeback Mountain"...come on, guys, a nomination at least) is beign shafted by these poor roles. Well, she's finally breaking apart from it. Go Anne!