Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 08/07/2019
In addition to looking like a series of cheaply made SNL skits, its title is incredibly misleading. While it does focus a majority of its spoof on one fantasy epic (The Chronicles of Narnia), it mostly parodies a potpourri of other genres (superhero franchises like "X-Men," B-grade action flicks such as "Snakes on a Plane," and even "Nacho Libre" which itself is already a comedy). "Epic Movie" is aimless with its satire and just isn't very funny.
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FSUNoles27TS - wrote on 12/03/2012
BURN IT!!!!!! BURN IT!!!!!! Send it to HELL!!!!!!!
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MovieFanatic - wrote on 08/23/2012
Probably the worst 'spoof 'movie ever made. I did not laugh once. This movie is an Epic Failure. Just save your money and buy real comedy.
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Unknown - wrote on 01/02/2012
Guess I forgot to review this at some point. However, my words here are the same as every other Friedberg/Seltzer travesty. It's an irritatingly unfunny mess and a horrible excuse for a comedy.
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dukeakasmudge - wrote on 09/22/2011
The worst spoof movie ever in the history of spoof movies.It shouldnt have been in theaters or gone straight to DVD.It shouldve never been made
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 08/04/2011
You have to do more to parody a film than copy scenes from that film, word for word, and maybe insert the occasional fart joke. One of the worst movies ever and it's not even so bad that you can have fun making fun of it. It's just...really, really bad.
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tinkchick555 - wrote on 08/09/2010
I still question why I watched this. I knew it was going to be bad, and it was worse.
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mimschkin - wrote on 01/26/2010
I wish people would stop going to see these films. The only reason they keep making these films is because they get enough box office takings. Stop going to see these films and they'll stop making them. Epic Movie is a waste of time, and a waste of space. It shouldn't exist. The gags aren't funny. Not one bit. Yes, everybody knows Tom Hanks' hair in The Da Vinci Code was horrible. The fact that they felt the need to reference it in a parody film is unimaginative and unfunny. This sort of thing goes on for about 89 minutes, with the jokes getting even more painfully unfunny and sometimes outright offensive. Avoid.
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Freddie - wrote on 11/28/2009
I usually don't write reviews about films that I haven't seen from beginning to end, except the ones that I purposely didn't see from beginning to end. This movie was so horrible that I fell asleep for a half hour after the first ten minutes and then walked out when I woke up. Terrible movie.