The Longest Week Full Movie Reviews

Full Movie Reviews

Movie God

Rating of

For me this was the longest movie. Ever !

ikkegoemikke - wrote on 08/18/2015

"Sometimes you're your own worst enemy."

For Conrad this was apparently the longest and most painful week. For me this was the longest and most painful movie experience. Anyway I have a strong dislike for a voice-over that begins with "This is ..." followed by the name of the main character. This is usually already a bad omen. You can almost compare it with the voice-over that starts with "My name is ..." followed by the name of the main character (with a few exceptions such as "Forrest Gump"). But lets return to "The Longest Week". They've taken their time to release this romantic comedy (although I haven't discovered much humor). Apparently it was already completed in 2012. Was it doubt that made them forget about it ? Or were the reactions of the test audiences so disastrous? …

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