Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/19/2019
"Dirty Grandpa" is an unfunny, unpleasant comedy featuring a misused pairing of two fine leading actors with excellent chemistry..
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smeagol - wrote on 05/18/2016
robert de nero after his wife dies ends up going to california with his grandkid zac efron and basically shows of his wilder side at spring break. . This is a comedy and for once its actually funny with a few laugh out loud moments and s a enjoyable movie. what more do you need. ? the humour is very adult and i'm suprised de nero done some of these scenes but he has a lot of charisma and it works. zac plays it straight which is a good, all in all if you want a laugh its one of the best comedies ive seen for a while that is actually funny.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 01/26/2016
It's absolutely soul crushing to see a legend like Robert De Niro making terrible dick jokes, flexing his muscles with Efron, rapping, and not giving a single f**k. I'm disappointed in you De Niro, I mean he doesn't have to do roles like this. Some people say that he's doing it for a paycheck, well f**k that paycheck. De Niro is slowly turning into the Orson Welles of not giving a sh*t anymore. This is going to be Robert De Niro in five years time: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwbfwXcoRcs