Full Movie Reviews
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cinegeek.de - wrote on 03/07/2016
Dope beginnt mit einer Definition von Satire und wie sie misslingt. Das ist ungewöhnlich, normalerweise erleben wir die Bemühung um Satire, die dann filmisch nie eingelöst wird... Der Produzent Forrest Whitaker selbst führt uns ein in Dope. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Malcolm (Shameik Moore) und seine Freunde Jib (Tony Revolori) und Diggy (Kiersey Clemons). Der Erzähler erklärt uns, die Clique sei auf dem besten Weg einer bestimmten Entwicklung: “White shit like getting good grades and going to College.” Selbst wenn die Havard Berwerbung das Thema von Ice Cube’s “Today Was a Good Day" beinhaltet. Malcolm und seine Clique spielen gemeinsam in einer Punk Band Versionen von alten 90s Hip Hop Klassikern (alle zu hören auf dem tollen Soundtrack). Malcolm bezeichnet seine …
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Dope is better than Brick.
Indyfreak - wrote on 01/11/2016
Dope is a mostly funny and unique Afro-centric send-up of "Stand By Me" with a star making turn by lead actor Shameik Moore. This guy could be the black Matthew Broderick. He plays a self described genius named Malcolm who along with his friends are the designated nerds in a rough n tough LA neighborhood because of their affinity for 90s culture. One day they go to the wrong birthday party and a fight breaks out and somehow Malcolm ends up with a bag full of drugs. The first half of the movie is a fresh and well paced comedic misadventure about 3 kids out of their league with drug dealers, gang bangers, and high school cliques.
Unfortunately it doesn't last. Once a major plot twist happens halfway through, the movie does drag down unfortunately and never returns to the same level it …
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It's Not Whack, It's Dope
Chris Kavan - wrote on 10/08/2015
Dope is a coming-of-age story that puts a new twist on films in the mold of Boyz N tha Hood or Menace II Society. Once again, we follow a group of teens living life in "The Bottoms", a rough neighborhood in Englewood, CA. But instead of following drug dealers and gang members, we follow Malcolm, Jib and Diggy - three "geeks" who are smart, way into 90s culture ans simply trying to navigate a school and neighborhood where there exists a real possibility you could die (or at least lose your shoes or bike) on a daily basis.
The reason Dope works so well is that Malcolm, played by Shameik Moore, comes across as a very real person, as do his friends and the people around hims. This includes Dom (A$ap Rocky) a local drug dealer who, through a series of events, he happens to get invited to …
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Pretty 'Dope' Teen Flick
Unknown - wrote on 06/29/2015
'Dope' is an energetic teen movie of a new breed. The familiar plot seen in past 'hood' genre types is tweaked in fun ways. Our protagonist is an academically exceptional, 90's obsessed, black nerd. He's a well mannered individual who strives for a higher purpose. His involvement in drug trafficking is pure accident on the part of other players. The means in which he uses his advanced skill set to try and make the best of a terrible situation is where the movie shows inventiveness. The adventure that ensues operates just outside the boundaries of formula. It leads to a halfway predictable ending that ties everything up a little too nicely. But, at the same time, it somehow works as a positive message to teens from this particular walk of life. Comedy and drama are evenly split …