Full Movie Reviews
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Was this an attempt to revive the Saw-franchise ?
ikkegoemikke - wrote on 02/26/2018
“Salvation can be yours, if you cleanse yourselves of the habitual lies which have brought you here.
Lies that you have told yourselves, lies that have brutalized others.
The truth will set you free.”
When watching a YouTube video where a baseball hits someone with a dizzying speed right in the spot that’s used to take care of having an offspring, I sometimes unwittingly make an ouch-sound and wince. That’s what I had when watching the first “Saw” films. Not with this new episode from the “Saw” saga. The original film is phenomenal and without a doubt the best thing to see in the field of torture films. Both physically and psychologically. Perhaps the fact that this pioneering horror was directed by star director James Wan helped a bit. A nervous and …
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Let the Games Begin... and Begin Again
Chris Kavan - wrote on 01/17/2018
Back in 2004 a director by the name of James Wan presented an interesting new horror film called Saw. A film that essentially took place in a single room, between two men, who found themselves at the mercy of a man doling out his own twisted form of justice. Wan, of course, has gone on to become a true horror auteur, along with making his mark on the Fast and Furious franchise. Saw, of course, went on to become a horror Juggernaut - ramping up the twisted deaths and expanding on the cast, but, like all good things, the series started to sputter and, much like Paranormal Activity, squandered its potential away.
But Saw isn't dead yet. Jigsaw revives the madness after a seven year hiatus. While Jigsaw doesn't necessarily fix all the mistakes, it's at least a set above many of the later …