Quick Movie Reviews
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Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 07/10/2019
Its fantasy elements and the rest of the story doesn't exactly blend perfectly, but "The Green Mile" is powerful, emotional, and undoubtedly well-acted.
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Matthew Brady - wrote on 02/18/2014
A wrongly convicted man sits on death row while the officers who guard him interact with him and his powers. This movie has excellent acting directing.
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Elshad - wrote on 01/01/2013
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FSUNoles27TS - wrote on 12/07/2012
This movie took me a long time to finally put it in the DVD player, but I am glad I did. I had always heard and seen remakes of scenes with Duncan's character. This movie went from heart-warming to shocking and eventually to depressing. Al the characters were written very well and gave the movie different elements. I found the Warden's son-in-law to be a very convincing villain who is fun to hate.
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Kyle(The Rebel) - wrote on 09/05/2012
Adaptation of King's novel could have done without the supernatural element. Boring and average.
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Addeh - wrote on 06/15/2012
Greatest adaptation from a stephen King novel ever. unbeliveable performances from both of the leading actors
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Unknown - wrote on 04/07/2012
An enormously entertaining film. The story and characters are so well crafted and the directing is superb. It has enough drama, emotion and humor for two films. This is one of the few three hour long movies that manages to feel fast paced.
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mitchellyoung - wrote on 03/23/2012
One of the best Stephen King adaptations - this prison film manages to hit all the right notes of fantasy and emotional drama. Michael Clarke Duncan, sadly, was never better and i don't think has ever attempted a meatier role than he does here, where he outshines even the great Tom Hanks.
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Tiffany's Movies - wrote on 05/27/2010
One of those long movies that seem to pass by so quickly. Really absorbs you in the story. Love Mr. Jingles.
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Gustavo² - wrote on 12/07/2009
Por intensas três horas e oito minutos discorre-se sobre dor, mortalidade, redenção, vingança, conceitos flexíveis como maldade e bondade, a dualidade entre dever e justiça. Elementos fantásticos intensificam a imersão naquilo que poderia ser um dramalhão descontroladamente piegas; a figura messiânica de John Coffey serve de pertinente metáfora para como benignidade e ingenuidade atuam num mundo traiçoeiro governado pela violência mútua, por pessoas que alimentam desprezo pela vida do próximo. À Espera de um Milagre pesa na alma com seu humanismo fabular.