Full Movie Reviews
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Cure for Insomnia?
Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/22/2021
Netflix originals can be hit or miss - with things veering towards more miss than hit usually. Awake does have an interesting premise but fails to make much of it and devolves into a hybrid action/family drama that is uneven throughout.
As I said, the reason I tried this in the first place is because the story is something that has been done before, but at least with a unique twist. A worldwide phenomena knocks out power (later attributed to some kind of shift in the Earth's magnetism). But it also does something else - prevents almost everyone from being able to sleep. Like all good zombie movies and other such end-of-the-world scenarios before it, seeing how things play out in the beginning is the best part. Coma patients suddenly wake up, people struggle to get any kind of sleep …