Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 02/27/2024

Noisy sequel to the prequel that is actually meant as a reboot to the Transformers franchise. It has a few cool action scenes. Pete Davidson is actually the highlight as the jokester of the bunch. His banter with Anthony Ramos is tolerable. Dominique Fishback was miscast though and seemed out of place. The last act is almost incomprehensible due to the overload of CGI and muted colors. This movie is oddly more interesting when the characters are just kind of playing off each other instead of focusing on the plot.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 08/10/2023

While not without its faults, this entry is at least better than the last few Michael Bey misfires and, along with Bumblebee, point towards a better future for the franchise. A lot of action and a lot of fun - without being too reliant on explosions and CGI.

Rating of

Chrid - wrote on 06/10/2023

Okay so lemme first say that I didn't know what to exactly expect from this one transformers have kinda been off and on with being good however this one was a good one I loved it such a enjoyable film .side note to parents. Just cause this is a movie about toys dosent mean that it's for kids there is a memorible sexual reference language and intense violence so if your comfortable with your kids hearing "but you were inside me" even though it meant something different than that then you go right ahead but anyway this has been the best transformer film series the past 3 and even if those this one's best

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