Hit Man Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

Rating of

Indyfreak - wrote on 06/19/2024

Quirky and sometimes grisly comedy-thriller about a teacher (Powell) who moonlights as a fake hitman for sting operations. Except he falls in love with his latest "client" (Arjona) and both their lives get more complicated. The plot juggles a lot of different genres and it does not always mesh as well as it wants to. But the movie excels as a showcase for Glen Powell's acting talent. He is great in this.

Rating of

Chris Kavan - wrote on 06/14/2024

I think the film is worth it simply for the one short scene where Glen Powell imitates Patrick Bateman from American Psycho... but to each their own. A bit of comedy, a bit of romance and it helps that Powell and Adria Arjona have some great chemistry going. It's not a film that is going to rock the world, but it is nice bit of fun and considering Netflix's track record with original films - a home run in that department.

Rating of

Logan D. McCoy - wrote on 06/07/2024

A clever and fun little do-hickey of a movie. The writing mixes a few genres together making for something fresh, and Glenn Powell is charismatic as hell as a pretend contract killer relishing in his profession as a way of escaping his mundane old life through the personas he has created.

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