Independence Day Quick Movie Reviews

Quick Movie Reviews

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serioussir - wrote on 12/30/2008

This is a decent action flick but doesn't really offer anything amazing -- other than Smith who's funny, tough and very nice to look at.

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Freddie - wrote on 11/25/2008

This is one of my favorite movies. I can always watch this when it comes on. It may be unrealistic, but it's supposed to be. Everything else surrounding the movie makes it a great film.

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trainerboy - wrote on 05/12/2008

I love this type of movie so I gave it four stars just because it had everything I like. Aliens, heroes, overcoming overwhelming odds and some good comedic lines. There were a few slow parts but I loved the aliens and the spaceships and the special effects!

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Gabe - wrote on 01/22/2008

I know I probably shouldn't like this film, but somthing about it makes me like it. The acting is mediocre at best, as is everyhting else about the film, with the exception of the special effects, they were state of the art.

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Rakkie - wrote on 01/17/2008

worst speech in cinema history. its damnable scene. pity Bill Pullman. useless jeff goldblum. and bad director emerich

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Josh C - wrote on 06/21/2007

I love apocalypse movies but this one doesn't do it for me. It reminds me too much of a made for tv movie with mediocre dialog and over-the-top acting. Armageddon or even The Core are much more entertaining than this film.

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Chris Kavan - wrote on 02/21/2007

Another solid disaster, end-of-the-world movie that is again buoyed by a stellar cast and great action. A fun film that is good to watch every now and then, but doesn't rise above popcorn-flick status.

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