Quick Movie Reviews
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gideon43 - wrote on 05/26/2010
Tarantino does it again, his long awaited World War 2 epic, Inglourious Basterds is 24 carat movie gold. Incredibly wacky, totally unconventional and lovingly crafted, Tarantino completely pulls the rug out from under your feet any number of times and delivers numerously unexpected twists and turns. Tagged as a men on a mission movie, Basterds is so much more. Pretentious? without a doubt, over the top?, certainly, indulgent, hey this is a Tarantino flick but if you can find an all out more entertaining film than this, then you need to hang on to it for dear life, and as the final line reminds you "This might just be my masterpiece."
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MinnesotaAJ - wrote on 02/21/2010
This movie was suprisingly good! The acting was very solid, and the characters themselves were outstanding. The plot kept you watching and interested the entire time, and there were plenty of twists and turns along the way. I did get lost a bit at times with the subtitles, but overall really enjoyed the film.
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Freddie - wrote on 12/15/2009
This was definitely one of the best movies of the year.
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Gustavo² - wrote on 12/07/2009
Antissemitas ou alienados à parte, é razoável supor que lavaríamos nossas almas do genocídio perpetrado pelos nazistas durante a II Guerra Mundial se houvesse a oportunidade da desforra. Mandando às favas a solenidade reverente comumente adotada em abordagens fílmicas do tema, ainda que nem por um segundo inconsequente, Tarantino articula um subversivo banho de sangue (derramado pelos hitleristas, promovido por judeus) que dá vazão a esse ímpeto expiatório da plateia. A face vingada de Laurent, em regozijo triunfante, projetada numa cortina de fumaça durante uma sessão de cinema em chamas, é memorável imagem-síntese numa obra de estética erudita e cerne rico em implicações significativas.
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Sanguma James - wrote on 11/08/2009
The revisionist history that some will clamor to study more than the actual unknown events of the Nazi War is an absolute, unquestioned blast. The Basterds supporting cast of The Bear Jew and other crazyies you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley are fun in typical Tarantino style as well. The odd thing about the film is that one keeps waiting for these Basterds to come unhinged, but Tarantino keeps an oddly tight lid on his rewritten chain of events. For once, Tarantino's uber-bizarre whackiness was a tad lacking. Thus, depending on your mood when viewing it, you may add or subtract a star while clapping for the fact that someone finally figured out how to use "Cat People (Putting Out Fires)" by The Thin White Duke perfectly!
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Unknown - wrote on 10/01/2009
This war epic from Tarantino delivers the most thrilling, blood-soaked and funny rewrite on history that one could hope for. Enormously entertaining and satisfying on every level.
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sapien - wrote on 09/16/2009
What a terrific movie! It could've used just a little bit more blood guts though.
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Rob Lewboski - wrote on 09/11/2009
Very few times in my life have I seen A film that has impressed me as Much as this one ,I knew it would be good considering I loved the cast ond especially the director but never would I have thought it would be the best movie of the year so far .I would have given it to district nine for best of the summer but then tis came out and BOOM it ill leave you happy that you spent your ten bucks on something that dosent suck not to mention I think that there should be At least oone oscar nod coming from it if not two or three.
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Nick - wrote on 09/02/2009
This movie is full of everything you expect (and want) from Quentin Tarantino. This movie is a must see.
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PsychoKing1227 - wrote on 08/25/2009
OH MY GOODNESS! This movie was utterly brilliant. Incredibly well executed in the classic Quentin Tarantino motif of making B-movies A+ movies. The best part of this movie was the performance of Christopher Waltz [Oscar-buzz, anyone?], as well as the writing and directing. I won't lie and say that this movie wasn't slow at points, but Tarantino has a way of sculpting a story out of such vignettes. A great film with a great list of cameos and international performers.